Heirloom, as seen by the artist and scientist, meeting with Gina Czarnecki and John Hunt


Audiolats art

Artist Gina Czarnecki and scientist John Hunt present their work Heirloom which is a living portrait of the artist’s daughters consisting of a glass cast of their faces onto which their skin cells are growing within a bioreactor. A video document of the whole process and 3D scanning-printing sculptures complete the work. They discuss the ethical issues raised by this work, from the consent forms to regenerative and personalized medicine.

Enregistré par Annick Bureaud le 26 mai 2016 à Copenhague dans le cadre du projet Trust Me, I’m An Artist [http://olats.org/trustme/trustme.php], soutenu financièrement par le programme Creative Europe de l’Union Européenne.

Jingles et habillage sonore Jean-Yves Leloup, musiques Carl Harms, David James Elliott “The Wire”, Sergey Lopoukha “Lull” (Universal Production Music Publishing), Stefanski “Last Light Lament” (Atmos Production Music/UNIPPM)
