Ian Clothier



http://ianclothier.com/ cultural engagement, Polynesian philosophy, technology, environmental data, socio-demographic data


Art-Science, Cultural Studies, and Polynesian philosophy


Ian M Clothier is an artist, curator, Director of Creative Research at Intercreate Research Centre (intercreate.org); part time Senior Academic at WITT; founding Director of Water, Peace, Power at Parihaka Papakainga; co-founding Director of SCANZ (Solar Circuit Aotearoa New Zealand). A hybrid Polynesian, his dna traces through Te Wai Pounamu, Te Ika a Maui, Norfolk Island, Pitcairn Island and Tahiti to Lapita; while other lines trace back through England, the Shetland Islands and Nordic countries. His career extends to 110 public exhibitions in 17 countries, and 25 publication credits.

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