
VR Films: The Rise of the VR Distributor

Recorded on 2015-05-11

David Marlett and Chadwick Turner, Head of Content Partnerships at VRIDEO, discuss the role of distributors/publishers in the exploding new industry of VR filmmaking. In addition, they discuss the future of the VR Cinema industry, the management of compression, bandwidth and many of the other challenges faced in VR distribution. Bumpers by

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Introducing Kapital Movie Industry Corporation

Recorded on 2016-05-24

Striving to become the “Hollywood of South Sudan”, Kapital Movie Industry is a network of visionary young artists, documentarists, Graphic Designers, Filmmakers, Web Designers, Film Directors and Visual Effect Artists who are interested in telling the story of their new country and helping to build its future. With the PeaceHackCamp they organize each year, the […]

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