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Recorded on 2018-12-06

Im zweiten Teil berichtet der biogeochemische Klimamodellierer Andreas Oschlies über sogenannte mesokosmische Versuche, mit denen die Wissenschaft Eingriffe in die Natur unter möglichst realen, aber abgeschossenen Versuchsbedingungen testen könnte. Oschlies, der Klimamodelle für die langfristige Abschätzung der Auswirkungen solcher Eingriffe entwickelt, gibt auch erste Bewertungen der unterschiedlichen heute in der Wissenschaft debattierten Methoden und spricht […]

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Art and COP 21: Artist Tara DePorte and her work with Environmental Scientists

Recorded on 2015-08-10

Artist Tara DePorte is in residency in Marseille, France at the IMERA Institute for Advanced Study. She discusses her work with Joel Guyot and local environmental scientists to develop public art projects to create social action around the COP21 Climate Change Conference in Paris in December 2015. She discusses with Roger Malina the ideas of […]

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Recorded on 2018-12-02

Mit Andreas Oschlies, Professor für biogeochemische Modellierung, spricht Susanne Päch über die neuesten Entdeckungen zum dramatisch sinkenden Sauerstoffgehalt in den Meeren. Sie fragte ihn danach, warum die seit langem vorliegenden Daten so lange nicht ausgewertet wurden, und wollte auch wissen, welche Bedeutung der Sauerstoffgehalt im Meer bezüglich der Klimamodelle hat. Oschlies berichtet, dass Modellierer bisher […]

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Designing Oyster Reefs: A Conversation with Architect Evelyn Tickle

Recorded on 2018-02-22

Janeil Engelstad talks with Evelyn Tickle about Grow Oyster Reefs, her work to restore oyster reefs along the US Eastern Seaboard and the class she leads at James Madison University where students are designing buildings inspired by oyster reef design with an eye towards protecting shorelines, as the sea level rises. Bumper: “Color Garden” by […]

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A Conversation with Eco-Art Luminary Newton Harrison pt. 2

Recorded on 2017-11-03

Part two of Janeil Engelstad’s conversation with eco-art pioneer Newton Harrison includes conversation about his current watershed project in Scotland, the impact of climate change on the region, both now and in the future, and how art and science can address it. Today’s episode features music by Austin-based musician Lungfulls. To hear more of his […]

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Sarah Kavage: Art, Ecology, and Native Peoples

Recorded on 2017-09-21

Janeil Engelstad talks with artist and urban planner Sarah Kavage about her collaborative project Duwamish Revealed, as well as creative engagement with Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest and industry’s impact on their ancestral home.

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A Conversation with Sarah Koehler

Recorded on 2017-02-01

Janeil Engelstad talks with Sarah Koehler currently a graduate student in Statistics at Colorado State University (CSU) about how artistic training shapes one’s work in the social and physical sciences and the impact of a social science education on a career in the arts. Koehler also talks about a software package that she is writing […]

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